The price is slightly above yesterday's closing price. 价格比昨天的收盘价稍高。
Third, the average closing price of the stock in the five years preceding the award was 77% higher than the exercise price. 第三,在惠特曼获授股票期权前五年,惠普股票的平均收盘价比行权价高出了77%。
The$ 100 a share Berkshire is paying is a31% premium to the railroad's closing price Monday. 伯克希尔哈撒韦对Burlington所开出的每股100美元的价格较其周一收盘价高出了31%。
Given that Berkshire's 28% stake in Graham is worth about$ 1.1 billion at yesterday's closing price, the subsidiary entity would likely have to have assets and stock adding up to that much in value. 以周二收盘价计算,伯克希尔所持Graham的28%股份价值约11亿美元,因此将要组建的子公司名下的资产和股票总值可能必须达到这个水平。
Both transactions valued shares at HK$ 13.80, a slight premium to Monday's closing price of HK$ 13.62. 在交易完成并且股份转换完成之后,正大光明将持有中信20.6%的股份。这两步交易中,中信集团的股价都被定为每股13.8港元,比周一收盘时该集团每股13.62港元的价格略有溢价。
Where there is no daily trading, the closing price shall be the closing price of the day before. 当日无成交的,以前一交易日的收盘价为当日收盘价。
They will also have to meet a minimum share price requirement of a$ 4 closing price for 30 of the 60 days before applying to list with an exchange. 这些公司还必须满足过去60天里至少有30天股价不低于4美元的要求,才能申请上市。
The writer added that investors unable to sell their shares at Friday's closing price could swap them for US treasuries at$ 29.70 a share. 作者还写到,无法按上周五收盘价卖出雅虎股票的投资者可以每股29.70美元的价格换取美国国债。
A chart on which only the closing price for each period is tracked. 连线图只记录每一时期收盘价的图表。
At yesterday's closing price, PetroChina – China's largest oil and gas producer – was valued at more than Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell combined. 按昨日收盘价折算,中石油的市值超过了埃克森美孚与荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)市值的总和。中石油是中国最大的石油及天然气生产商。
In Taiwan, the weighted index climbed 2.4 per cent to 6,110.60, after regulators banned short selling of component stocks of the main local indices if they trade below the previous session's closing price. 台湾加权指数(TWI)攀升2.4%至6110.60点。台湾监管机构宣布,如果主要子板块指数成分股的交易价格低于上个交易日的收盘价,则禁止卖空。
The$ 31-a-share offer represents a62 percent premium for shareholders above the closing price of Yahoo stock on Thursday, Microsoft said in a statement. 微软在一份声明中说,这份收购案的向股东提供的价格比上周四雅虎的收盘价高出62%。
No knock-out event occurs-the closing price of China Life shares is below both knock-out price and reference price prior to maturity. 在没有发生取消事件?即于到期前中国人寿股份之收市价分别低于取消价及参考价的情况下。
HSBC said it would take up its full allotment of the Hong Kong portion of the rights issue, which is priced at a 37 per cent discount to the bank's closing price on Friday. 汇丰表示,将全额认购香港部分的配股,新股定价相对于交行上周五的收盘价有37%的折让。
The exercise price of any option granted to you will be the closing price of A common stock on the date of grant. 不管何种认购权,其行权价都是A股普通股认购权授予当天的收市价。
Upon the valuation date, if the closing price of the linked stock is higher than the strike price, you will receive the principal and interest in cash. 于结算日,如挂?股票的收市价高于行使价,您将会以现金获取本息。
SHANGHAI: The world's biggest beverage maker Coca-Cola has offered to buy China's Huiyuan Juice for$ 2.3 billion, 300 percent more than its last closing price. 上海:世界上最大的饮料制造商可口可乐公司已经提出了要以2.3亿元收购中国汇源果汁,这个价钱是上次收盘价格的3倍。
To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels. 要创建该股价图,请按如下顺序安排数据:最高价、最低价及收盘价。标志使用日期或股票名称。
The offer is expected to open in June, managed by HSBC Securities in India; it comes in at about an8.6 percent premium over last week's closing price. 该要约预计将于今年6月份在印度汇丰证券所开盘,其每股比上周的收盘价将溢价8.6%。
Order type: can be submitted at any time within a trading session, but only executable at closing, at the closing price. 委托单种类,可以在任何时刻提交但在收市时以收市价执行的委托单。